NGOs call on UN Global Compact to use its influence with PetroChina over Sudan, 05-12-2008
A broad-based international set of over 80 civil society organizations including human rights, corporate accountability, religious and anti-genocide groups from 19 countries have signed an open letter to the United Nations Global Compact. The letter was also signed by four members of the US Congress, members of the Canadian Parliament and other distinguished individuals. The letter called upon the UN Global Compact to use its influence with PetroChina, a compact participant, to help bring an end to the humanitarian crisis in Sudan. PetroChina, the listed arm of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Sudan’s largest oil industry partner, is indisputably linked to the regime perpetuating the five-year humanitarian crisis in Darfur which many consider to be genocide.The Executive Director of the UN Global Compact, Georg Kell, posted both our letter and his reply to the UN Global Compact website. Further, he forwarded a copy of our letter to PetroChina. Lastly, Mr. Kell closed by stating that our “continued engagement and vigilance is much appreciated.” We were very encouraged by Mr. Kell’s prompt and receptive response to our letter and looked forward to continuing the dialogue with him and his office.
Press release on UN Global Compact called upon to influence PetroChina to help Darfur, 05-12-2008
Letter to Mr. Georg Kell, Executive Director of the UN Global Compact, with sign-on list, 05-12-2008
Reply from Mr. Georg Kell, 05-15-2008
Copy of the original UN Global Compact website showing links to letter and reply, though the links no longer work.
Full sign-on list (at the bottom of this page, below)
Press conference
Investors Against Genocide hosted a press conference on the release of the letter on May 12, 2008. The press conference featured short statements, followed by Q&A with the press.
Eric Cohen – statement – Chairperson, Investors Against Genocide
“PetroChina’s lack of interest and effort in working for human rights in Sudan is significantly in conflict with the aspirational commitments expected of signatories to the UN Global Compact. Therefore, we ask the Executive Director of the Global Compact to use the privilege and prestige of membership in the Global Compact to engage with PetroChina, on behalf of the people of Sudan, to address the egregious violations of human rights that continue in Sudan to this day. We strongly believe that such engagement can have a very positive impact on bringing an end to the humanitarian crises in Sudan.”
Bart Slob – statement – Senior Researcher, Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)
“The first principle of the Global Compact states that businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights. The second principle requires that businesses ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. In spite of these principles, PetroChina, the listed arm of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), Sudan’s largest oil industry partner, is linked to the regime that perpetuates the violent conflict in Darfur.”
Full sign-on list for the letter to Georg Kell, UN Global Compact
* Since May 12, 2008, additional groups have signed-on to the letter. Those groups are flagged with an asterisk *
American Jewish World Service
Ruth Messinger, President
New York, NY, USA
Americans Against the Darfur Genocide
Nikki Serapio, Director
Palo Alto, CA
Archdiocese of San Francisco
George Wesolek, Director, Public Policy and Social Concerns.
San Francisco, CA, USA
Armenian Assembly of America
Bryan Ardouny, Executive Director
Washington, DC, USA
Armenian National Committee of America
Aram Hamparian, Executive Director
Washington, DC 20036
BanglaPraxis *
Zakir Kibria, Exective Director
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Berne Declaration – Erklärung von Bern
Oliver Classen, Media Officer
Zurich, Switzerland
Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analyses
João Sucupira, Director
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Buddhist Peace Fellowship
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Executive Director
Buddhist Peace Fellowship National Office
Berkeley, CA, USA
Canadian Students for Darfur
Clement Apaak, Founder and Chair
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation (CHRR)
Undule Mwakasungura, Executive Director
Lilongwe, Malawi
Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (SOMO)
Bart Slob, Senior Researcher
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo de la Mujer (CEDEM)
Pamela Caro, Researcher
Santiago de Chile, Chile
Collectif Urgence Darfour
Dr. Jacky Mamou, President
Paris, France
Comité Soudan
Diagne Chanel, Presidente
Paris, France
Clean Yield Asset Management
Rian Fried, President
Greensboro, VT, USA
Corporación DOMOS
Carolina Peyrín
Santiago, Chile
Corporate Accountability International
Kathryn Mulvey, International Policy Director
Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Corporate Governance
James McRitchie, Publisher
Elk Grove, CA, USA
Damanga Coalition for Freedom and Democracy
Mohamed Yahya, Founder and Executive Director
Washington, DC, USA
Darfur Alert Coalition
Jim Remsen, Interim Executive Director
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Darfur Association in the United States of America
Mahmoud Braima, President
Baton Rouge, LA, USA
Darfur Call
Ahmed M. Mohamedain, Managing Director of Human Rights and Advocacy
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Darfur Community Organization
Bakheit Shata, Founder/Executive Director
Omaha, NE, USA
Darfur Peace and Development
Omer Ismail, Vice President / Advocacy
Washington DC, USA
Darfur People’s Association of New York
Motasim Adam, President
Brooklyn, New York, USA
Darfur Relief and Documentation Centre (DRDC) *
Abdelbagi Jibril – Executive Director
Geneva, Switzerland
Domini Social Investments LLC
Adam M. Kanzer, Managing Director & General Counsel
New York, NY, USA
Dream for Darfur
Jill Savitt, Executive Director
New York, NY, USA
Stephen D’Esposito, President and Executive Director
Washington, D.C., USA
ENOUGH: The Project to End Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity
Cory Smith, Acting Executive Director
Washington, DC, USA
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Pat Zerega, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility
Chicago, IL, USA
Mia Farrow
Actor and Human Rights Advocate
Forum for Environment and Development (ForUM)
Elin Enge, Director
Oslo, Norway
Foundation CentrumCSR.PL
Grzegorz Piskalski, Director
Warsaw, Poland
Friends of the Earth Europe
Darek Urbaniak, Extractive Industry Campaign Coordinator,
Brussels, Belgium
Fundación Casa de la Paz
Carolina Silva, Executive Director
Santiago, Chile
Fundación El Otro
Marcelo Ugo, Presidente
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Fundación SES
Roque A. Grunauer, Coordinator
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Genocide Alert
Robert Schuette, Head Executive
Cologne, Germany
Genocide No More – Save Darfur
Marv Steinberg, Coordinator
Redding, CA, USA
groundWork (Friends of the Earth)
Bobby Peek, Director
Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Harrington Investments, Inc.
John Harrington, CEO
Napa, CA, USA
Holocaust Center of Northern California
Morgan N. Blum, Director of Education
San Francisco, CA, USA
Humanity United
Randy Newcomb, President
Redwood City, CA, USA
IDP Action
Frank Smith, Director, Policy and Communications
London, UK
India Committee of the Netherlands
Gerard Oonk, Director
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
Laura Berry, Executive Director
New York, NY, USA
Investors Against Genocide
Eric Cohen, Chairperson
Boston, MA, USA
Jewish Community Relations Council
Rabbi Douglas Kahn, Executive Director
San Francisco, CA, USA
Jewish World Watch
Tzivia Schwartz-Getzug, Executive Director
Encino, CA, USA
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Marie Lucey, Associate Director for Social Mission
Silver Spring, MD, USA
Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur
William Rosenfeld, Treasurer and Board Member
Boston, MA, USA
Member of House of Representative – Massachusetts *
Byron Rushing, State Representative and Second Assistant Majority Leader
Boston, MA, USA
Member of the Legislative Assembly, Alberta
Dr. David Swann
Alberta, Canada
Member of Parliament – Government of Canada
Paul Dewar
Ottawa-Centre, Ontario, Canada
Member of Parliament – Government of Canada
The Hon. Marlene Jennings P.C.
Montreal, Qc, Canada
Member of Parliament – Government of Canada *
Dr. Keith Martin, M.D., P.C.
Esquimalt – Juan de Fuca, British Columbia, Canada
Member of Parliament – Government of Canada
Alexa McDonough
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Member of Parliament – Government of Canada
Alan Tonks
Weston, Ontario, Canada
Member of U. S. Congress
Michael E. Capuano (MA-08)
Member of U. S. Congress
James P. McGovern (MA-3)
Member of U. S. Congress
Donald M. Payne (NJ-10)
Member of U. S. Congress
John F. Tierney (MA-6)
My Sisters Keeper
Rev. Gloria White Hammond, MD, Executive Director
Boston, MA. USA
National Association Of Seadogs (NAS) International *
Prof. Olatunde Makanju, President
Lagos, Nigeria
New York City Coalition for Darfur
Eileen Weiss, Co-founder
New York, NY, USA
Observatorio de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa
Orencio Vázquez Oteo, Coordinator
Madrid, Spain
Organización de Consumidores y Usuarios (ODECU)
Stefan Larenas Riobó, President
Santiago de Chile, Chile
Programa Laboral de Desarrollo (PLADES)
Giovanna Larco Drouilly, Executive president,
Lima, Peru
Eric Reeves
Sudan researcher, analyst, and advocate
Northampton, MA, USA
San Francisco Bay Area Darfur Coalition
Martina W. Knee, Member, Executive Committee,
San Francisco, CA, USA
Save Darfur Coalition
Jerry Fowler, President
Washington, DC, USA
Deborah Jones, President
Seattle, WA, USA
Social Support Foundation
Louis Acheampong, Executive Director
Obuasi – Adansi, Ghana
Society for Threatened Peoples
Christoph Wiedmer, Director
Bern, Switzerland
Society for Threatened Peoples
Sharon Silber, UN representative
Gottingen, Germany
Socio-Economic Rights & Accountability Project (SERAP) *
Eze Anaba, Director, Research & Publications
Lagos Island, Nigeria
STAND Canada
Yoni Levitan, Executive Director
SETEM Madrid
Gabriela Arizmendi, Managing Director
Madrid, Spain
Stop Genocide Now
Gabriel Stauring, Co-founder and Director
Redondo Beach, CA, USA
Sudan Divestment UK
Hamish Falconer, Executive Director
London, UK
Taller de Acción Cultural
Verónica Salas, Director
Santiago, Chile
Jennifer Taub
Coordinator of the Business Law Program
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA
The Aegis Trust
Dr. James Smith, Chief Executive Officer
Nottinghamshire/London, UK
Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment
Patricia A. Daly, OP, Executive Director
Montclair, NJ, USA
Unitarian Universalist Association
Timothy Brennan, Treasurer
Boston, MA, USA
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Charlie Clements, President and CEO
Cambridge, MA, USA
U.S. Campaign for Burma
Jeremy Woodrum, Director
Simon Billenness, Co-chair, Board of Directors
Waging Peace
Louise Roland-Gosselin, Executive Director,
London, UK
Walden Asset Management
Tim Smith, Senior Vice President
Boston, MA, USA
Wassa Communities Affected by Mining (WACAM)
Daniel Owusu-Koranteng, Executive Director