Demonstrating a clear commitment to genocide-free investing, TIAA-CREF announced on January 4, 2010, that it had sold all of its holdings, worth $58 million as of September 30, in four companies tied to the genocide in Sudan.
TIAA-CREF’s divestment of its holdings in PetroChina, CNPC, Sinopec and ONGC followed its announcement on March 26, 2009, to vigorously engage PetroChina and other problem companies partnering with the Government of Sudan and to divest from those companies if they continue to substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity.
TIAA-CREF was the first large, mainstream financial services company to take a public stand supporting the vast majority of Americans who do not want their savings and pension funds connected to genocide.
“We recognize that genocide and crimes against humanity, whether in Darfur or elsewhere, require a higher standard of response.”